Mauritius Bird’s

The first country I went birding outside South Africa. Did not had the luxury of long lenses and birds was not the priority for the rest of the party.

But I did get to see some birds! 😊

At the time (2011) there was a 130 possible species on the list, I managed to find only 18 giving me just 13,8% of Mauritius bird species.

So in Alphabetical common names order here we go:

Common Myna,

Common Waxbill,

Greater Sand Plover – Mauritius
House Crow – Mauritius
House Sparrow – Mauritius
Malagasy Turtle Dove – Mauritius
Red-whiskered Bulbul – Mauritius
Red Fody – Mauritius
Ruddy Turnstone – Mauritius
Spotted Dove – Mauritius
Striated Heron – Mauritius
Whimbrel – Mauritius
Yellow-Eyed Canary – Mauritius
Zebra Dove – Mauritius